Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for lipoma treatment

There are several ways that you can look at medicine. You can look at it from the traditional sense, going with the westernized solution, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Or you could look at Eastern medicine, specifically Chinese medicines, and see what that offers. Either way, you’re going to find that there’s something to the eastern style of options. If you’re looking to get help with issues that manifest on the skin, like lipoma, you’re going to want to look into traditional Chinese medicine as it could very well help you garner a bit of success overall. With that in mind, let’s take into consideration a few notes regarding lipoma and traditional Chinese medicine that you should be fully aware of today.

What Is Lipoma?

Before going forward with how to cure lipoma and help it, you should know about what it is. This is a small amount of fatty tissue that comes up under the dermis. The dermis has a lot of elements to it, with many layers. The layers can accumulate small amounts of fatty tissue, and that will form a small mound. Now, this is considered a tumor, but it should not be something that should alarm you too much. You see, this is not something that is cancerous. The tumor itself is benign, which means that it is not cancer, but it is a growth, and therefore it is labeled as such.

Traditional Chinese Medicine For Lipoma

Regarding Chinese medicine, you will find that there are several solutions that you can test out for this option. You’ll find that traditional Chinese medications can start with options like herbal remedies. The most common option are bitter herbs, and that is made into a tea that you drink on a daily basis. That is meant to help reduce inflammation and toxicity within the body, and will assist with reducing the lipoma.

Moving along, however, you’re going to find that the traditional route can offer acupuncture. This is where small needles are placed into the skin, and they help with the removal of the fatty tissue. However, these needles are small, and they are not placed on the lipoma themselves. They are placed on the fatty tissue around it, and across the body. Acupuncture aims to help with removing elements that are somewhat difficult to manage.

Massage Elements

Amidst the traditional Chinese medicine that you can work with, you’ll find massage is an important option. Massaging certain elements, including the lymphatic tissue of the body can help with reducing the growths overall and will assist with preventing issues from getting worse. While this is not a “cure all” it is something that is worth looking into overall. It can help with reducing tension in the right arenas, and can help with a reduction of inflammation, and the fatty tissue that seems to cause the most problems overall.

At the end of the day, the above options are just a few options that you will want to take into consideration. They can help with removing lipoma, over time.