Olive oil vs sage oil vs tea tree oil to eliminate lipomas

There are several solutions that you can use to reduce skin irritation, inflammation, and more. Lipomas, for instance, could very well form on the dermis, and can form a small lump underneath the skin. The skin will rise up and form a small bump. This is medically considered a tumor, however, unlike most tumors, this is not something that is going to cause major issues. This is not cancerous, and will not hurt, bleed, puss, or cause major disruption for you. There are several things that can help with reducing issues with the dermis, including lipoma.

Identifying Lipoma First

The first thing you need to take into consideration is that of what lipoma is, and how to address it. Lipoma is a simple growth that comes from the dermal tissue. Fatty tissue collects and forms a small lump, and that’s it. This is not a major medical issue, and will not cause any disruption overall. It will not hurt, it will not bleed, and it is not a cancerous issue. Identifying lipoma is not difficult, it can occur anywhere on the body.

To remove lipomas, many people look into removal through the use of essential oils. There are several essential oils that can help with this, and most of them can work well with topical solutions. There are 3 major options to take into consideration here.

Olive Oil

This is something that you cook with, and while many people use this with their daily meals, you can use this as a topical solution. You’ll need to get olive oil extract, not just cooking oil. You will apply this onto the lipoma daily, up to 3 times a day, and keep it clean.

Sage Oli

Another solution that you will want to work with is sage oil. This extract has an anti-inflammatory element to it. You will need to apply this to the issue 3 times a day, and once again, keep it clean. It takes a little bit of time, but it will help you work through with relative ease.

Tea Tree Oil

One of the premier solutions that you will want to work with is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is simple to use, and works well with the same application solution that you would work with other oils. Tea tree oil is used for a variety of topical skincare assist with acne, dandruff, and lipoma as well.

Eliminating lipoma is not a difficult process. You can work with the above oil elements. You will apply oil directly to the growth on the dermis, and will help you reduce issues overall. Now, you will find that there’s a larger issue here, in case the oils do not work. In some instances, the lipoma will not reduce, and in that case, you’ll need to ask a doctor for an opinion. A doctor can help you reduce this, with relative ease. This is something that will be easy to remove by a doctor, and will be able to also prescribe a topical options overall.